Monday, July 21, 2008


wow: i didn't get in any trouble whatsoever for breaking the little recorder (thank you!). even though i didn't really break it (i don't think): seemed more like an electrical problem than a dumb user fault. i even psyched myself up for a torrent of swearing which thankfully didn't eventuate. from previous experience that would have sent me sprinting for cover; even in my incapacitated state.

come to think of it, even my supervisor didn't get cranky at me for breaking an expensive monitor last year. and i really did break that one. perhaps people have come to terms with my accident-prone nature and are more forgiving than i am (towards myself!).

I just received a letter from my beloved educational institution inviting me to an ICT careers evening. Not promising from an ICT point of view when the letter failed to be mail merged properly: 'Dear <first name>' is simply lame. How can I place trust in and recommend an institution that doesn't (properly) practice what it preaches?!

On a more pleasant note amongst a dump of miscellaneous sleep-deprived thoughts, I think I've found a new favourite microphone; such a nice response with clean and crisp sound, unlike the one with 20dB self-noise! If I don't drink coffee for 150 days, I might even be able to afford my own... caffeine vs. gear... gear vs. caffeine... oh and I was also taken with the monitor stands at the con too... hmmm... no coffee for a year?!

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