Wednesday, October 22, 2008

unimpresssed espresso

it's 10 to 9, and i am drinking the supposedly best espresso in this town; but i'm not convinced. it's tasty and gives me the hit that i need, but it's nothing special. although famed for being a cafe-culture town, i'm much more enamoured with the ridiculously nice hot chocolates. sitting in the middle of one of the many inner-city alleys with cafes bursting on the street, i watch people rush to get to wherever it is they need to be. they're mainly suits, with some student-types thrown in for some variety. trains evidently arrive every five minutes or so as the flux of people oscillates this frequently...

on the whole, people are well-dressed here. not necessarily dressed-up, but they evidently put some thought into attire and presentation. this has become a bit of a sore point for me recently as i have realised what bad fashion i have. but at the same time, i don't care enough to do anything about it.

i've made a list of the places i need to drink/eat at this week. inner-city convenience and relatively effective and cheap public transport is too tempting to not indulge in. so i only managed to con travel concession for three days, before the pigeons told me off but thankfully without financial repercussions.

i wonder how many hot chocolates i can consume in a week without making myself ill...

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