Friday, October 3, 2008

vice pres

as a visitor to the states that are united, i could not say no to watching the vice presidental debate live with a group of locals. and here's the live blog for it...

both parties don't support same-sex marriage, but have variable views on civil rights?! palin, you talk but your words are ridiculous. now i'm getting cranky over your tirade on iraq and fighting (supposed) insurgents. please learn to be succinct!!

so the locals think palin is doing better than they thought (or hoped!); damn she must have previously sounded like a true fool... i'm personally impressed with biden: composed, calm, and delivers a sound, at times crushing, argument against the verbose palin.

nuclear arms and pakistan. now you're on about iraq, iran, and israel as well. oh now north korea and the castro brothers?! palin! stop dropping proper nouns and answer the stupid question.

two-state solution? ally with israel? second holocaust?! are you just sensationalising? oh so you both love israel. awwwww. nice, tight and strong response from biden though: indeed there isn't a clear deviation from bush's current policies. nice one. palin, why are you back onto north korea?

i have to say palin is talking very well, so long as you don't actually listen to nor think about what she's saying. she looks like she knows what she's talking about. good eye contact with the camera, biden at times lacks.

ooooo... labeling as an interventionist... interesting distinction by biden on action in sudan versus intervention. so you both somewhat agree, with the matter of alaskan oil funds thrown in. interesting response. we're back on bin laden. again.

how did we get onto wall st corruption and the working class family? from bin laden and varying opinions in each administration? palin, what planet are you on? ooooo... killing jobs and the economy. scary.

doggone it? smooth, palin. and now she's personalising education. clever unless you can see through it. there's some groaning and head smacking in the lounge room right now.

energy independence? families with special needs children? focus, palin, focus!

oooo... heartland of america?! working mother? working families? very rudd-esque. sweet response from biden, even personalised just like plain likes to. palin, would you please stop saying maverick?? oh biden don't take on palin's maverick addiction, please.

oh you're going to fight for the average american family. i'm touched. fight for your freedom: economic and national security. that's a lot of fighting. and you mean literally as well as metaphorically.

i think i like the mediator best.

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